This is amazing information about herbalife! Someone posted a blog stating "facts" about Herbalife. They stated that the products didn't work for them and furthermore created a blog post about it. So some of my smart Oklahoma friends put this post together for said person.
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Light up Ice Cube! |
ALWAYS research the source of your information!!! 90% of what your hear is OPINION~~10% is FACT....
From Kenan Bryant, Mandy Bryant, David Hayes, and Rodi Sutton
So after some nonsense was blasted via some "fans" blog a few of us leaders decided to seek some facts and professional help to aide in each and every one of "The TEAMs" (Herbalifers) confidence as well as instill trust in our brand, products, and integrity! (Not that us true Herbalifers don't already have it) We were researching the mis-information and had a great talk with a friend who is a doctor of biochemistry, and these were his thoughts.... (Please share with any and everyone you believe needs this info, our friend will remain undisclosed as well)
The Real Facts:
Treadmills don’t make people lose weight. *Using* them helps people lose weight. Hence, many people come to Herbalife for the *combination* of the products (which happen to work incredibly well) AND the community Herbalife provides. Imagine having a group of like-minded friends who care about good nutrition, exercise, and being social. That’s how positive lifestyle changes occur. A canister of protein powder, no matter how cheap or “organic” isn’t going to do anything by itself.
Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme, and has never been classified or found as one since its beginning in 1980 or by any of the 90 countries in the world. Furthermore, Herbalife does not pay participants for recruiting. Just as your neighborhood GNC isn’t a pyramid scheme – you buy at retail, the local GNC profits off your sale, the greater-GNC company profits, the companies that make products they stock profit. So essentially, you pay GNC, who pays nutrition companies, who pay manufacturers, who pay suppliers. Seems almost multi-level-esque too, but you’re OK with that?
Fact: caffeine-containing products DO burn one hundred calories. It has been well documented that for every 200mg of caffeine, an additional ~100 calories are burned.
Dulloo, A.G., et al., Normal caffeine consumption: influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean and postobese human volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr, 1989. 49(1): p. 44-50.
Rudelle, S., et al., Effect of a thermogenic beverage on 24-hour energy metabolism in humans. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2007. 15(2): p. 349-55.
Dulloo, A.G., et al., Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr, 1999. 70(6): p. 1040-5.
It’s pretty poor journalism, and certainly about as far from writing an actual informative piece to sprinkle in words like “poison” only to strike them out. Cheap shot? Sucker punch. Wow, big girl. The Entire Herbalife24 range has been NSF Certified for sport, and the entire Herbalife portfolio is in the process of being NSF certified to gaurantee that products meet label claims, and that the products are safe. Far from poison.
You’re at the bottom of the “blogger” world. Your Alexa-rank is…not ranked. Are you the CEO at the company of your day job? Oh wait, you have to work hard to move up in your company too? What a novel concept.
You say, “when you stop taking these products, that lost weight comes hurdling back to attach itself to you.”
THANKS FOR CONFIRMING THE PRODUCTS WORK. Since, you’re saying taking the products helped keep weight off, and when you stop eating them, you put weight back on. Maybe we should stop here?
What “chemicals” are we adding to keep weight off? Like protein? Vitamins? Minerals? Isn’t EVERYTHING in the world a chemical? I mean, that organic quinoa is a mixture of chemicals, chica.
Please kindly provide a reference to your claim that “It's not healthy when highly processed into this crap.” You’re erudite language clearly indicates you’ve read lots of scientific papers. Because the most scholarly articles say otherwise: like these: Happy Reading.
Last time we checked our biochemistry text book, Sodium Chloride (aka a molecule of sodium and a molecule of chlorine) is one of the most important and essential-for-life minerals in our body. So, how is it that simply having a chlorine molecule makes something pool water?
FALSE: There is no hydrogenated soy
FALSE: MSG isn’t used, and MSG isn’t autolyzed yeast extract.
FALSE: there is no margarine used
Don’t like artifical flavors? No problem, we have lots or products without them. Your choice. I’m sure you’re the same person who avoids sucralose and colors, but then loads up on “Fro-Yo” which is loaded with sucralose and artifical colors.
We actually agree on something! We promote healthy eating too. We love real food, we love exercise.
Here is our thought: For most people, having an organic, farm-raised, locally-grown prepared meal isn’t practical 3 times a day. So for many (most) of the people, it’s about making better decisions. We are offering a healthier alternative to all the junk people are eating to help them live better lives. Our formula 1 shakes are loaded with protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, vitmains and minerals. Mix this with some milk and fruit and you have a nutirtious and delicious meal. And, Formula 1 is considered “real food” by the US Government. Just because you can chew something, doesn’t make it real.
Your leadership
Kenan, Mandy, David, Rodi
Have a wonderful end of month and let's get more customers than EVER AND BECOME THE BEST VERSIONS OF OURSELVES POSSIBLE!!!
Thank you Kenan, David, Mandy, and Rodi for putting this together!!!
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